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يارب مصر التي ارسلت لها يوسف ليحفظها من سنوات العجاف يارب مصر التي ارسلت لها موسي ليحفظها من عبادة الاصنـام يارب مصر التي ارسلت منها هاجر زوجة ابراهيم عليه الســـلام يارب مصر التي جعلت منها مارية القبطية زوجة لحبيبك العدنان يارب مصر التي ارسلت فيها عيسي بانجيلك عليه الســــــلام يارب مصر التي ذكرتها في قرآنك ووصفتها بالامن والامــــــــان اللهم بحق كل نبي وضع عليها قدمه ، وذكر فيها اسمك ، وتلي فيها كتابك ، واثنى عليه خير كما اثنى عليها سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم ان تحفظ مصر من كل سوء وشر يا ارحم الراحمين يارب من اراد باهلها كيدا فعليك به يارب العالمين يارب لقد عجزت ايدينا على وجود الحل ، ولم تعجز الستنا على سؤال من بيده النجاة وفيه الرجاء والامل ،يارب لقد عجزت عقولنا على التفكير ، ولم تعجز أفئدتنا على مناجاة من بيده التدبير ،يارب يارب يارب احفظ مصر يارب العالمين وأهلك الظالمين بالظالمن وأخرجنا من بينهم سالمين وأحفظ أهلها وشبابها المسلمين بحفظك وكنفك ياقدير .......


 chapter 3 للثاني الثانوي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أبو الليل
الحضور المميز
الحضور المميز

عدد المساهمات : 152
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009

chapter 3 للثاني الثانوي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: chapter 3 للثاني الثانوي   chapter 3 للثاني الثانوي Emptyالخميس فبراير 25, 2010 2:51 am

questions on chapter 3
the Spiders (3)1-What did the Egyptian archaeologist send Dr Fakery? )
He sent her a very old picture of a spider that he found in a tomb near Bawiti.
2-How did Dr Fakery feel when she saw the picture of the spider on the screen?
She felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck.
3-Why did Dr Fakery feel a cold shiver down the back of her neck when she saw the picture of the spider?
Because it was the same as the spider Ayman had described.
4-What did Dr Fakery do with the message and the picture?
She forwarded the message and the picture to Ayman.
5-What was the spider in the picture like?
It was a big black spider with two thick yellow lines on its back.
6-What did Ayman say about the picture of the spider that Dr Fakery sent him?
He said it was the same as the spider he had seen.
7-In Ayman’s opinion, how did the spider come back to his area?
Ayman thought that the spider was in the boxes brought by the police from the archaeological site to the police station.
8-Why did Ayman think that the spider was not deadly?
Because there were not any deadly spiders in Egypt.
9-What did Dr Shereen ask Ayman to do?
She asked him to tell the police about spider he had seen.
10-Why didn’t Ayman want to tell the police about the spider?
He was afraid people would laugh at him.
11-Why did Dr Fakhry ask Ayman to photograph the spider if he saw it?
To identify it.
12-What did the German Egyptologist tell Dr Fakhry?
He told her about an ancient Egyptian medicine for the bite of the deadly black and yellow spider.
13-What was the root of Echinacea Negra used for? (2001)
It was used as a medicine for the bites of the black and yellow spiders.
14-What was the medicine for the bite of the black and yellow spider made from?
It was made from the root of the “Echinacea Negra” plant.
15-Why did Dr Fakhry think that the black and yellow spider was real?
She thought it was real because it was mentioned in a medical text.
16-Who was Susan Bennett?
She was a zoologist at OxfordUniversity and she was Dr Fakhry's friend.
17-Where did Dr Fakhry go to identify the black and yellow spider?
She went to her friend Susan Bennett.
18-Why did Dr Fakhry go to her friend, Susan Bennett?
She went to her to identify the black and yellow spider.
19-Where did Susan Bennett take Dr Shereen to identify the spider? Why?
Susan Bennett took Dr Shereen to Professor Jones to identify the spider because it was not on the database and Dr Jones was a famous arachnologist.
20-What was Professor Jones?
He was the head of the zoology department at the OxfordUniversity. He was a famous arachnologist.
21-What news did the professor have on the telephone?
He had to cancel his trip to South America.
22-Why was the Professor annoyed when he answered the telephone?
He was annoyed as he had to cancel his trip to South America.
23-Why was Professor Jones interested in the spider that Ayman had seen?
Professor Jones was interested in it because he had never seen a spider like this before and it was not on the database.
24-Why hasn't anybody seen any of the spiders before Ayman?
Because they lived in a place that was cooler than the desert around them. They have never left the place as the desert around them was too hot and too dry.
25-Why did the spiders come to our world again?
Because people disturbed them.
26-Why did Professor Jones think the spider was female?
He thought so because it was very big.
27-Why is the female spider much more dangerous than any male one? (2003)(2007)
The female spider is more dangerous because it lays about 2000 eggs that develop in a very short time and its bite is stronger.
28-How could spider bites be treated?
They could be treated by giving the person an injection of antivenom which works against the venom.
29- When would scientists have to develop new antivenom?
They would have to develop new antivenom if the spider was an unknown species.
30-Why might the danger of the spiders spread through Africa, Asia and Europe?
Because Egypt is the meeting point of the three continents.
31-Why was everyone in danger from spiders?
Because spiders could spread quickly and there was no antivenom for them.
32-Where did Professor Jones decide to go?
He decided to go to Egypt.
33-Why did Professor Jones decide to go to Egypt/ Hamadayya?
He decided to go there to find the unknown species of spiders.
34-Why did the number of known species often go up?
Because scientists discover new species of spiders.
35-What must be done to stop the deadly spider from spreading through Africa and Europe?
The female spider must be found before laying eggs.
1-Dr Fakery felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck when she saw the picture of the spider because it was the same as the spider Ayman had described.
2-Dr Shereen Fakery advised Ayman to tell the police about the spider. (2005 / 2nd session)
3-According to Professor Jones, the deadly spider came into our world when people disturbed them. (2005)
4-Dr Fakery was shocked and frightened while looking at the computer screen when she saw the picture of the spider the Egyptian archaeologist sent her. (2004)
5-If there weren't any spiders, there would be many flies and mosquitoes and other pests. (2002)
6-Professor Jones decided to go to Egypt because he wanted to find the unknown species of spider. (2003)
7- Echinacea Negra is a plant which the medicine for the bites of the black and yellow spiders made from. (2003)
8-Because of the spiders, the whole world was in danger as Egypt is a meeting point of three continents and the spiders would spread through them. (2002 / 2nd session)
9-Professor Jones was interested in the spider because he had never seen anything like it before and it was not on the database.
10-The German Egyptologist translated a medical text about a medicine for the bites of black and yellow spiders.
11-The spider did not leave their place under the desert because the desert around them was very hot and dry.
12- The spiders would live in only one place becausethe climate changed and these were the only survivors.
1-'It's the same as the spider that I saw.'
a- Who said words? To whom?
b-Which spider did the speaker mean?
c-Describe the spider the speaker saw?
a- Ayman said to Dr Shereen.
b-He meant the spider the archaeologist had sent Dr Shereen.
c-It was a big black spider with two thick yellow lines on its back.
2- "I hope you are right. But I think you should tell the police about all this."
a- Who said words? To whom?
b-What should the addressed person tell the police about?
c-Why didn't the addressed person report to the police?
a-Dr Fakhry to Ayman
b- about the spider he had seen.
c-He thought everyone would laugh at him.
3-'This medicine is for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills.'
a-Who was the speaker?
b-What was the medicine called?
c-Why did the ancient Egyptians made this medicine?
a-The German Egyptologist.
b- It was called Echinacea Negra.
c-They made as a medicine for the bites of deadly spiders.
4- "Don't worry, we will find it on the database'.
a- Who was the speaker?
b- What would the speaker try to find on the database?
c- Was the speaker successful? Why?
a-Susan Bennett.
b-a black and yellow spider.
c-No. Because she didn't find it on the database.
5- 'What a nuisance! I've had to cancel my trip.
a-Who said these words? To whom?
b-Why was the speaker annoyed?
c-Where was the trip he made the next day?
a-Professor Jones to Dr Fakhry and Bennett.
b-Because he was looking forward to that trip.
c-He made a trip to Egypt the next day.
6-'' I'm sorry. I was looking for that trip. I've been studying arachnids for 25 years, but I'm still excited about finding unknown species.''(2001)
a- Who was the speaker?
b-Why was he angry?
c-Will he find unknown species of spider?
a-Professor Jones.
b-He had to cancel his trip to South America.
c-Yes he will.
7-' I haven't seen anything like this before.'
a-who said these words?
b-What is the person looking at when he says these words?
c-What does this mean?
a-Professor Jones.
b-He was looking at the old picture.
c- This means that the spider is an unknown species.
8-'Do you think he really saw this spider?
a-Who asked this question? To whom?
b-Who was the speaker talking about?
c-What was the answer to this question?
a- Dr Shereen asked Professor Jones.
b-She was talking about Ayman.
c-Professor Jones said that it was possible.
9-'But spiders are our useful animals'
a-Who said these words? To whom?
b-How are spiders useful animals?
c-Why was the speaker excited when he saw the picture of the spider?
a-Professor Jones said this to Dr Shereen.
b-Spiders are useful animals as they eat insects.
c-because he had never seen a spider like this before and it was not on the database.
10-'Not just him and his family. Everyone in Hamdayya might be in danger.'
a-What does 'him' refer to?
b-What was the danger Professor Jones speaking about?
c-Why would everyone in Hamdayya be in danger?
a-It refers to Ayman.
b- It was the danger of the deadly spiders.
c-The spider might produce other spiders and attack more people.
Prepared by: MR Mohamed Abdullah Abdel-Aziz
حرر بواسطة : english


1-What did the archaeologist in Egypt send Dr Fakhry ?
He sent her a very old picture of a spider that was found in a tomb near Bawiti.
2-How did Dr Fakhry feel when she saw the picture of the spider on the screen ?
She felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck.
3-What did Dr Fakhry do with the message and the picture ?
She forwarded the message and the picture to Ayman.
4-What was the spider in the picture like ?
It was a big black spider with two thick yellow lines on its back.
5-In Ayman’s opinion, how did the spider come to his area ?
Ayman thought that the spider came with the boxes brought from the archaeological
site to the police station.
6-What did Dr Shereen ask Ayman to do ?
She asked him to tell the police about the black and yellow spider he had seen.
7-Why didn’t Ayman want to tell the police about the spider he saw ?
He was afraid people would laugh at him.
8-What did the German Egyptologist tell Dr Fakhry ?
He told her about an ancient Egyptian medicine for the bite of the deadly black and
yellow spider.
9-What was the medicine for the bite of the black and yellow spider made from?
It was made from the root of the “Echinacea Negra” plant.
10-Why did Dr Fakery think that the black and yellow spider was real ?
She thought it was real because it was mentioned in a medical text.
11-Why did Dr Fakery go to her friend the zoologist ?
She went to her to identify the black and yellow spider.
12-What was Professor Jones ?
He was the head of the zoology department at the university. He was also a famous
13-Why was Professor Jones interested in the spider that Ayman had seen ?
He was interested in it because it was unknown and very dangerous.
14-Why did the professor think the spider was female ?
He thought so because it was big.
15-Why is a female spider very dangerous ?
It is very dangerous because it lays about 2000 eggs that develop in a very short time.
16-How could spider bites be treated ?
They could be treated by giving the person an injection of antivenom which works
against the venom.
17- When would scientists have to develop a new antivenom ?
They would have to do so when there is an unknown species of spider.
18-Why might the danger of the spiders spread through Africa, Asia and Europe ?
This might happen because Egypt is the meeting point of the three continents.
19-Where did Professor Jones decide to go ?
He decided to go to Cairo.
20-Why did he decide to go there ?
He decided to go there to find the unknown species of spiders
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
chapter 3 للثاني الثانوي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» CHAPTER 4 للثاني الثانوي
» The Spiders : Chapter 6 للثاني الثانوي
» The Spiders : Chapter 7 للثاني الثانوي
» Chapter (1) The Egyptian desert للثاني الثانوي

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