هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


نظرة مشرقة من أجل مستقبل أفضل
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
*قالو البلد خربت والناس مابقوش ناس ** والاخلاق انعدمت والضعيف صبح ينداس * قالو كلام يهد جبال و يغلي الدم جوايا ** رد قلبي وقال مهما يحصل وطني الأساس * هو بلادي وثروة ولادي وهو التاريخ ** هو الحضارة وأرض الجدود وهوالخــلاص * قالو مفيش فايدة كرهنا خلاص وملينا ** مفيش حل غير النار وضرب الرصـــــاص * دمر واحرق وطنك يا خاين ايوة خاين ** بعت بلدك وناسك وبقيت للعدا زي المداس * بترمي النار و تقتل و بتهتف للوطـــن ** والوطن بيقولك ملعون من الساس للراس * الضعف عار وخيبة واليأس بيهدمنـــا ** فين الأمل , فين العمل , فين الإخــــلاص * كتر الكلام مش هيفيد بلدنا ولا يبنيها ** ليه مانقولش الحــق يا أما نسكت وخلاص * ريح لسانك شوية و مد أيديك بالخــير ** بلدنا عايزة رجالة ,عايزة شباب حـــراس * بلدنا عايزة الي يبنيها وبروحو يفديها ** مش عايزة شباب ضعيف تايه ومحتـــاس * الله أكبر , فوقوا واصحوا وابنوا بلدنا ** اطردوا الشيطان و استعيذوا برب النــاس * يارب احمي مصر واهلك من يعاديها ** و اهدينا طريق الحق واكفينا شر الوسواس * يارب مالناش غيرك تجمعنا وتوحدنا ** وتخلينا عايشين بين الأمم رافعيـــن الراس *.......
يارب مصر التي ارسلت لها يوسف ليحفظها من سنوات العجاف يارب مصر التي ارسلت لها موسي ليحفظها من عبادة الاصنـام يارب مصر التي ارسلت منها هاجر زوجة ابراهيم عليه الســـلام يارب مصر التي جعلت منها مارية القبطية زوجة لحبيبك العدنان يارب مصر التي ارسلت فيها عيسي بانجيلك عليه الســــــلام يارب مصر التي ذكرتها في قرآنك ووصفتها بالامن والامــــــــان اللهم بحق كل نبي وضع عليها قدمه ، وذكر فيها اسمك ، وتلي فيها كتابك ، واثنى عليه خير كما اثنى عليها سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم ان تحفظ مصر من كل سوء وشر يا ارحم الراحمين يارب من اراد باهلها كيدا فعليك به يارب العالمين يارب لقد عجزت ايدينا على وجود الحل ، ولم تعجز الستنا على سؤال من بيده النجاة وفيه الرجاء والامل ،يارب لقد عجزت عقولنا على التفكير ، ولم تعجز أفئدتنا على مناجاة من بيده التدبير ،يارب يارب يارب احفظ مصر يارب العالمين وأهلك الظالمين بالظالمن وأخرجنا من بينهم سالمين وأحفظ أهلها وشبابها المسلمين بحفظك وكنفك ياقدير .......


 UNIT 5 للثاني الثانوي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أبو الليل
الحضور المميز
الحضور المميز

عدد المساهمات : 152
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009

UNIT    5 للثاني الثانوي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNIT 5 للثاني الثانوي   UNIT    5 للثاني الثانوي Emptyالخميس فبراير 25, 2010 2:11 am


Key Vocab:

cruel قاسي literature الأدب
navy البحرية optimistic متفائل
pessimistic متشائم be shocked يشعر بالصدمة
shelter مأوي split يقسم / ينقسم / يتشطر
violent عنيف frightening مخيف
capture يأسر


lord سيد flies الذباب
primary school مدرسة ابتدائية secondary school مدرسة ثانوية
the Second World War الحرب العالمية الثانية soldier جندي
sailor بحار during أثناء
crash يتحطم realize يدرك / يحقق
rescue = save ينقذ organize ينظم
go well يسير سيرا حسنا go hunting يذهب للصيد
join ينضم الي attack يهاجم
glasses أكواب adults الكبار/ البالغين
brave شجاع calm هاديء
honest أمين patient مريض / صبور
respected محترم sensible عاقل / حكيم
understanding تفاهم / فهم rules قواعد
happen = occur يحدث break the rules يخالف القواعد
make rules يضع القواعد relationship علاقة
prepare يعد / يجهز solve problems يحل المشكلات
poem قصيدة poet شاعر
poetry شعر cruelty قسوة
the Mediterranean sea البحر المتوسط the Pacific Ocean المحيط الهادي
capital عاصمة the European union الاتحاد الأوربي
hit يضرب hurt يؤذي
make a fire يشعل نارا do a job يؤدي وظيفة
build a shelter يبني مأوي qualities صفات
successful ناجح sportsman رجل رياضي
sportswoman سيدة رياضية express an opinion يعبر عن رأي
include يشمل reference books كتب المراجع
course books كتب دراسية title عنوان / لقب
deliberately عمدا / عن قصد sadness الحزن
printed مطبوع require يتطلب
aggressive عدواني speed السرعة
roundabouts منعطفات الطرق unpredictable لا يمكن التنبؤ به
materials مواد involve يتضمن
take turns يأخذ دوره dedication تفاني / تكريس
defence دفاع category فئـة
explore يستكشف entrance مدخل
compose يلحن author مؤلف
book fair معرض كتاب library مكتبة
bookshop محل بيع الكتب stationery shop محل بيع الأدوات المكتبية
remarks ملاحظات criticism النقد
critic ناقد review مراجعة / عرض نقدي لكتاب أو فيلم مثلا

Words and their antonyms:

agreement اتفاق disagreement خلاف
kind عطوف cruel قاسى
honest أمين dishonest غيرأمين
brave شجاع cowardly جبان
patient صبور impatient عدتم الصبر
calm هاديء noisy مثير لضوضاء
right صحيح wrong خطأ
pessimistic متشائم optimistic متفائل
pessimism التشاؤم optimism التفاؤل
include يشمل exclude يستبعد
carefully بعناية carelessly بإهمال
right يمين left شمال

signal to يعطي إشارة لـ on the island علي الجزيرة
shoot down a plane يسقط طائرة escape from يهرب من
manage to = succeed in يتمكن من the fire goes out تنطفئ النيران
set fire to يشعل النار في look after يعتني بـ
split into ينقسم إلي protect from/against يحمي من
plan for the future يخطط للمستقبل compare .. with يقارن .. بـ
get on with يكون علي علاقة طيبة مع cruel to قاسي علي
popular with محبوب لدي give up يتخلي عن
have advice for لديه نصيحة لـ under control تحت السيطرة

Irregular Verbs:

fight/fought/fought يحارب forecast/forecast/forecast يتنبأ بـ
find/found/found يجد foresee/foresaw/foreseen يتنبأ بـ
flee/fled/fled يهرب foretell/foretold/foretold يتنبأ بـ
fly/flew/flown يطير/يسافر بالطائرة forget/forgot/forgotten ينسي
forbid/forbade/forbidden يمنع forgive/forgave/forgiven يسامح


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
realize يدرك realization
organize ينظم organization organized منظم
solve يحل solution
predict يتنبأ prediction predictable يمكن التنبؤ به
explore يستكشف exploration
express يعبر عن expression expressive معبر

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

endanger يعرض للخط ر enrich يثـري
Lay the foundation of يضع أساس national income الدخل القومي
enhance يعزز/ يدعم co-operation التعاون
essentialأساسي bring about يحدث
foreign investors المستثمرون الأجانب catch up with = keep up with يساير/يواكب
participation المشاركة take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن
tolerance التسامح rural areas المناطق الريفية

Language Notes

agree to + inf. / n يوافق علي •He agreed to the plan.
•She agreed to stay.
Agree on أكثر من شخص يتفقوا علي شيء
• The members agreed on the decision
• My father and I don't agree on very much.
 agree with someone / something
• I agree with Karen. This shirt is too expensive.
• I don't agree with hitting children.
Agree that + جملة
•I agree that he should be invited to the party.
Couldn't agree more = agree completelyيوافق تماما
Couldn't agree less = disagree completelyلا يوافق على الإطلاق
A: I think Egypt will win the match.
B: I couldn't agree more. أوافق تماما

 لاحظ أن الكلمات الآتية يستخدم معها الفعل مفرد و نشير إليها بضمير جمع
Someone – somebody – everyone – everybody – no one – nobody
Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children.

Know / show + how to-inf.
•He knew how to do the job.
•He showed me how to use this machine.

See someone off يودع
•I saw my friend off at the airport.

See = understand
•They couldn't see my point of view.
•See = think about
•It was easy to see the gift as a sort of bribe. رشوة

 عند اضافة حرف s الي السنة نقصد بها فترة عشر سنوات أي عقد :decade
In the 1980s = from 1980 to 1989

تستخدم else بعد الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ some – every – no – some وتنتهي بالكلمات one / thing / body / where مثل:
Someone else/ everyone else / something else / nothing else
 وتستخدم else بعد أدوات الاستفهام what / who / why / where:
•Do you need anything else?
•Who else attended حضر the meeting?

 لاحظ أن lots of /a lot of / plenty of تستخدم في الإثبات مع الكلمات التي تعد و الكلمات التي لا تعد و تستخدم a great deal of مع الكلمات التي لا تعد فقط:
 He bought a lot of sugar.
 He needs a lot of books.
 تستخدم much في السؤال و النفي مع الكلمات التي لا تعد:
 She doesn’t need much money.
 Did you buy much sugar?
 تستخدم many في الســؤال و النفــي مع الكلمات التي تعـــد:
 He didn’t see many places in London.
 Did you invite many people to your party last week?
 تستخدم many/ much في الإثبات إذا جاء قبلهما إحدى الكلمات آلاتية too/ so / very
 There is so much sugar in my coffee.

Promise to = make a promise to يوعد
•He promised to help me with my work.

Decide to = make a decision to
•He decided to buy a new mobile phone.

Life الحياة بصفة عامة (لا تجمع)
•The heart is the pump of life.
•There is no evidence دليل of life on other planets.

A life تستخدم عندما نتحدث عن نوع معين من الحياة
•He had a difficult life.
•She decided to start a new life in Australia.

The life تستخدم عادة عند الحديث عن حياة شخص ما
•She read a book about the life of Lincoln.

Expressing Rules:
Everyone must always / should always...
You must / You must not...
Don't ../ Never ...
Remember to .../ Don't forget to ...

•Everyone must always come on time.
•You must not speak in the library.
•Remember to bring two recent photos.
•Never touch this wire.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
1- It was a very (silent – equivalent – violent - resistant) match. Some of the players hit each other.
2- The tourists wanted to do different things, so they (split – spelt – spilt – spit) into three different groups.
3- I am hoping to study English (book – booklets – notebook – literature) at university.
4- My brother is quite a/an (unhappy – cruel – optimistic – pessimistic) person. He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
5- People who (find – borrow – capture – steal) from shops should be punished.
6- He joined the (nursery – navy – nationality - loyalty) when he was 22 years old.
7- When he heard the news, he was (blocked – shocked – checked – stuck).
8- Who (else – other – another – others) is going to come to your party?
9- I didn't see (many – much – a great deal of – a lot) people there.
10- I'm afraid I don't agree (in – for – with – on) your opinion.


Definite and Indefinite Articles

A / an
 قبل الاسم المفرد الذي يعد
 We have a house with a garden.
 للحديث عن وظيفة شخص
 He’s an engineer
 مع بعض التعبيرات الدالة علي العدد:
a couple / a dozen دستة / a hundred / a thousand
 في حالة التعبيرات الدالة علي الثمن و السرعة
Two pounds a kilo / sixty kilometres an hour
 في الجمل الدالة علي التعجب اذا جاء معها اسم مفرد يعد:
What a clever boy! / What an interesting story!
 تستخدم an قبل الاسم المفرد الذي يبدأ بحرف متحرك
an apple / an eye / an umbrella / an orange
 إذا كان حرف u ينطق مثل حرف a نستخدم قبل الكلمة an
an ulcer قرحة an uncle
 ولكن لاحظ اننا نقول:
 university / a unit / a uniform زيّ موحّد / a European country / a useful book

لا تستخدم a / an قبل أسماء الوجبات إلا إذا سبقها صفة وفي هذه الحالة تأتي الأداة قبل الصفة:
 I usually have lunch at 2 p.m.
 He gave us a good breakfast.
تستخدم the فى الحالات الآتية:
1- إذا كان الشيء هو الوحيد من نوعه أو إذا كنا نقصد الشيء كفكرة عامة
The sun/ the moon/ the worldالعالم / the Earthالأرض The country الريف/ the countrysideالريف/ the town المدينة/ the sea / the skyالسماء / the groundالأرض/ the Pyramids الأهرامات/ the Cairo Towerبرج القاهرة / the High Dam السد العالى / the state الدولة
 Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
2 - قبل صفات التفضيل:
the best / the most difficult / the least expensive / the smallest / the biggest
3- مع تعبيرات معينة:
at the top of his voice بأعلى صوت/ at the end of فى نهاية ... / in the end فى النهاية
4- قبل كلمات معينة اذا جاءت مع أفعال معينة مثل:
go to the cinema /go to the theatre /listen to the radio /use the internet /go to the bank / go to the post office / go to the shops المحلات
ولكننا نقول:watch TV
5- قبل أسماء الأدوات الموسيقية اذا جاءت مع أفعال مثل play / practise
play the piano, the violinالكما ن, the guitarالجيتار, the luteالعود, etc.
6- قبل بعض الصفات لتحويلها إلى أسماء جمــع:
the poor الفقراء the young الصغار the rich الأغنياء
the dead الموتى the unemployed العاطلون the deaf الصـم
the old كبار السن the injured المصابين the sick المرضي
لاحظ ان أسماء الجمع هذه يستخدم معها فعل جمع:
The young are in need of في حاجة إلى help.
7- مع أسماء بعض البلاد و الجبال و الأنهار و الصحاري و المحيطات و البحار:
the U.A.E الإمارات العربية المتحدةthe U.K. المملكة المتحدةthe U.S.A الولايات المتحدة / the Sudan السودان/ The Nileالنيل / the Himalayas جبال الهمالايا/ the Atlantic المحيط الأطلنطي / the Red Sea البحر الأحمر / the Mediterranean البحر المتوسط / the Alps جبال الألب / the Middle East الشرق الأوسط / the Far East الشرق الأقصى/ the south of Egypt جنوب مصر /
the Sahara الصحراء الكبرى
8- قبل اسم ذكر في الجملة من قبل:
I saw a film last night. The film was about the Second World War.
9- مع العبارات الدالة علي المقارنة:
The more you practise, the better you getكلما تدربت اكثر كلما تحسنت
The warmer the weather, the better I feel .كلما كان الطقس أدفأ كلما شعرت بتحسن
The more you have, the more you want .كلما امتلكت اكثر كلما رغبت فى المزيد
10- عند الإشارة إلى نوع أو فصيلة من الحيوانات:
The Giraffe فصيلة الزراف is found in Africa
11- عند الإشارة إلى اكتشاف أو اختراع:
When was the telephone invented?
The bicycle is an excellent means of transport.
12- مع بعض الكلمات الدالة علي الجنسية:
the French الفرنسيين the English الإنجليز the Swiss السويسريين
13- عندما نعني شيء بوجه خاص:
 I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful. (the flowers in your garden)
Do you like the coffee we had last night?
Can you pass the salt, please? (the salt on the table)]
14- مع أسماء بعض الأماكن و المباني التي يأتي معها of:
 The Museum of Modern Art متحف الفنون الحديثة The Bank of England بنك إنجلترا
The Great Wall of China سور الصين العظيم The Tower of London برج لندن
15- قبل أسماء الصحف: The Timesصحيفة التايمز The Guardian صحيفة الجارديان

16- قبل أسماء الكتب المقدسة : The Koran / The Bible

17- لاحظ استخدام the (عادة) في الحالات الآتية :
the government / the state الدولة / the stone age العصر الحجري / in the morning /
in the afternoon / in the evening / the environment البيئة/ the weather
18- قبل الاسم الذي تتبعه عبارة بها ضمير وصل:
The man who lost his son was very sad.
 لا تستخدم أداة في الحالات الآتية :
1- قبل أسماء people/food/jobs/ plants في الجمع:
 Women usually live longer than men do.  Scientists العلماءdo research.
 Beans الفول are good for you.  Money does not grow on trees.
2- مع الأسماء التي لا تعد مثل :
 Food and drinkالمأكولات و المشروبات: milk, water etc.
 Activities:الأنشطة smoking / reading / writing / shopping
 Sports الرياضات: football / basketball / volleyball
Abstract nouns :الأسماء المعنوية democracy الديمقراطية , beauty الجمال, love الحب, happinessالسعادة , sadness الحزن, misery البؤس, truth الحقيقة , poverty الفقر, progress التقدم, music, etc./
• People fear death. • Everyone is looking for happiness.
ولكن اذا كانت الكلمة المجردة تعبر عن معني محدد نستخدم معها the:
• The death of their father made them very sad.

School subjects المواد الدراسية : History التاريخ , Math الرياضيات, Science العلوم, etc.
Languages اللغات : English, Arabic etc.)
• Oil البترول is used to make plastic.
• Smoking التدخين is harmful to health.
• I want to study Science and Technology التكنولوجيا.
• English is the world’s most widely used language.الأكثر استخداما في العالم

لاحظ أنه اذا جاءت بعد اسم اللغة كلمة language نستخدم the:
The English language / the French language
3- مع الصفات من الاتجاهات الأصلية:
northern / southern / eastern / western

• He went to hospital = he was ill.
•He went to the hospital = to visit someone.
• He went to prison = he did something wrong
• He went to the prison to visit his brother
 لاحظ عدم استخدام the قبل كلمة work وقبل الألقاب المتبوعة باسم شخص و قبل أسماء الأعياد :
• He arrives at work at 7 every day.
• King William attended the conference.
• President Mubarak appointed a new prime minister.
• I do not go out at Christmas.
 كما لا تستخدم the عـادة قبل كلمــة home مع الفعل go/come و قبل الكلمات mount / mountain / lake:
• He went home early yesterday.
• He climbed Mount Everest.
• Lake Victoria is in Africa.
 و لكن تذكر أنه مع سلاسل الجبال و مجموعات البحيرات و مجموعات الجزر نستخدم the:
The Bahamas جزر البهـاما The Great Lakes البحيرات العظمي The Andes جبال الانديز
 ملحوظة هامة : ليست كل كلمة معرفة بـ الـ في اللغة العربية نستخدم قبلهاthe في الإنجليزية و لكن يجب استخدام القواعد السابقة:
• Pollution is a dangerous problem. التلوث مشكلة خطيرة
• Music can be used to cure some diseases. يمكن أن تستخدم الموسيقي لعلاج بعض الأمراض
• Peace is the dream of all nations. السلام هو حلم كل الأمـم
Choose the correct answer:
1- After (a – an – the – no article) sun went down, (a – an – the – no article) moon came up.
2- (A – An – The – no article) policeman usually wears (a – an – the – no article) uniform.
3- (A – An – The – no article) intelligence is important for (a – an – the – no article) success.
4- (A – An – The – no article) hard work which John did was the reason for (a – an – the – no article) success that he enjoyed.
5- The interviewer asked (a – an – the – no article) Professor Zewail about his work.
6- I think he plays (a – an – the – no article) guitar very well.
7- It was (a – an – the – no article) happy party, but we could only stay for half (a – an – the – no article) hour.
8- (a – an – the – no article) Chemistry is a difficult subject.
9- Vegetarians don’t eat (a – an – the – no article) meat.
10- My uncle plays (a – an – the – no article) tennis well.
11- (A – An – The – No article) reason I was successful was because my parents encouraged me.
12- I think (a – an – the – no article) education is something all (a – an – the – no article) children should value.
13- He said that (a – an – the – no article) subject he enjoyed most at school was (a – an – the – no article) Science.
14- Don’t spend all (a – an – the – no article) money you have.
15- (A – An – The – no article) Money doesn’t always bring (a – an – the – no article) happiness.

Test on Unit 5

1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You are at an interview for university. The interviewer asks you what qualities you think are important to be a successful student. What do you reply?
2- You and a group of friends are discussing what makes a good friend. One of the group asks what you think. What do you reply?
3- A friend asks you what you think about his new shirt. What do you say?
4- Your father asks you why you came home too late. What do you say?

2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: How much is that book, please?
B: It’s 45 pounds.
A: Here you are.
B: And here is the change. Thank you
2- A: Would you like something else, sir?
B: No, thank you.
A: Here is your bill, sir. I hope you enjoyed your meal.

3- Choose the correct answer:
1. My grandfather loved ships and the sea. When he was a young man, he spent five years in the (envy – wavy متموج– scurvy الإسقربوط– navy).
2. I've read a lot of Arabic poems and novels, but I don't know much about French (literature – acupuncture – architecture – creature).
3. Some people think it is (tolerant – patient – colonel – cruel) to keep animals in zoos.
4. My cousin is always (pessimistic – realistic – artistic – enthusiastic) and thinks something bad is going to happen
5. I am always (pessimistic - optimistic – elasticمرن – linguistic) and think life is going to be good!
6. People could show great (faulty – penalty – cruelty – captivityاسر) during the war.
7. The men (measured - captured – escaped – cashed) the animal and took it to the zoo.
8. You must not (steal – deal – appeal – lend). It's wrong to take things that do not belong to you.
9. Crete is (the – an – a – some) island in the Mediterranean Sea and is a popular place with (a – an - the – no article) tourists.
10. Japan is (a – an – the – some) large group of islands in (no article – a – an – the) Pacific Ocean.
11. (A – An – The – No article) capital of Australia is Canberra
12. William Golding was (the – an – some – a) very famous English writer.
13. (A – An – The – No article) first job he did was to work in the theatre as (a – an – the – some) actor.
14. We should look after (no article – a – an – the) children and provide them with health care.
15. (No article – A – An – The) Amazon is in (a – an – the – no article) South America.
16. (No article – A – An – The) Britain is part of (no article – a – an – the) United Kingdom.

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- France is part of an European Union.
2- Gobi is a huge Desert in Asia.
3- The Mediterranean Sea is between the Europe and Africa.
4- The teacher hit the children into three groups.
5- Something that makes you feel afraid is pleasing.
6- We should build a filter to protect us from the wind and rain.

5- Read the following passage then answer the questions:
The Pharos at Alexandria was probably the first lighthouse in history. It was built in the third century BC and took its name of Pharos from the island on which it stood . It stood there for over 1500 years and in working order for nearly a thousand years. The island Pharos was at the western edge of the mouth of the River Nile in Egypt, where Alexander the Great founded his city of Alexandria in 331 BC
Alexandria was planned from the beginning to be not only the proud capital of Egypt but also an important port. It became both of these things. With its wide straight streets, its royal palaces, its famous library, its museum of arts and sciences, where scientists could live and study free of charge. It was perhaps the finest city of the Mediterranean Region.
Alexandria had a serious disadvantage as a centre of trade: sailors in the Mediterranean had difficulty in finding and entering the port. This was because the land at the mouth of the Nile was very flat, and so a sailor did not know where he was until he was near the coast. Fires were used in the ancient world to guide ships to land. And so the idea of a giant tower with a fire on top- in other words, a lighthouse – was born. The result was the famous building: the Pharos at Alexandria.
A. Answer the following questions
1-For how many years was the Pharos at Alexandria used as a lighthouse?
2-What made Alexandria the most beautiful city in the Mediterranean Region?
3-Why was it necessary to build the Pharos at Alexandria?
4-Find words in the passage which mean: a) without paying money b) extremely large
B. Choose the correct answer:
5-The underlined word “it” refers to (Alexandria – the lighthouse – the land – the Nile)
6-Alexandria was once the (lighthouse – port – edge – capital) of Egypt.
7-In the past (islands – sciences – buildings – fires) were used to guide ships to ports.

6- Read the following passage and answer the questions:
When people are playing a game, they need to follow the rules. If they don't, the game becomes disorganized and unfair. If a student ignores a rule against talking in class, the other students can't concentrate. Drivers who don't follow traffic laws can cause serious accidents.
Most things we do are governed by rules. These may be unwritten, like the rules of social politeness, or official laws passed by parliament and backed up by the legal system. But all rules and laws have the same purpose - to make it clear what is right or wrong, and what happens if someone breaks the rules. They are designed to ensure fairness, safety and respect for other people's rights, and in this way they help us work, play and live together peacefully.
If there were no rules and everyone was free to do whatever they wanted, most people would behave selfishly. We need rules to help us get along together and show respect for each other.
Most of us are basically honest, and knowing the rules means that we usually try to follow them. One reason we do this is to avoid punishment, but the strongest argument for following the rules is - quite simply - that it makes the world a better place for all of us.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-What is the common purpose of all rules and laws?
2-What are the types of rules and laws mentioned in the passage?
3-When does the game become unfair?
4-In one sentence of your own, give your opinion about those who break the rules, and say why.
B) Choose the correct answer:
1-In class, a student should not ---------------------- the rules.
a) ignore b) govern c) control d)follow
2-Following the rules means that ---------------------.
a) we get punished b) we avoid punishment
c) we cause accidents d) we behave selfishly
3-The writer thinks that -------------------are honest.
A) all of us b) none of us
c) the majority of us d) the minority of us

8- Write a letter to your friend John who wants to visit Egypt. Tel him about:
the weather, suitable clothes to bring, places to visit, accommodation and any other information you think is important. Your name is Samy. You live at 69 Safya Zaghloul St., Alexandria

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
Rules are important because they help people to work together and to cooperate. They help us to know what other people will do in certain situations. Without rules, life will be difficult and unbearable.

B)Translate into English:
1- تسعي مصر الي تحقيق السلام في العالم وخاصة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
2- تقدم البنوك قروضا للشباب لإنشاء مشروعات خاصة بهم.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
UNIT 5 للثاني الثانوي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» UNIT 8 للثاني الثانوي
» UNIT 9 للثاني الثانوي
» UNIT 10 للثاني الثانوي
» UNIT 11 للثاني الثانوي
» UNIT 12 للثاني الثانوي

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